Weekend with our daughter


We had a wonderful weekend with our daughter, Evening, on-board. After she finally managed to get through the horrific traffic jam on the Mass Pike (what should have been a 2.5 hour drive took her 6 hours), she was finally able to put her feet in the ocean for the first time time in over 6 years.  We had a relaxing early Friday dinner at J22 in Jamestown and then walked to Island Scoop for a tasty dish of black raspberry ice cream. I remember introducing Evening to black raspberry ice cream when she was still a babe in my …

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“Get ahead” week on-board

sunset in August

Well it was a real “get ahead” week here on Sail Syzygy. Basically the week started with a head (aka toilet for any landlubbers) issue. This involved a concern with the macerator. Luckily we were able to get everything all flowing before it became a really crappy situation. Of course when I sent a text to our daughter about the issue the auto correct came out with a “mascara toe” problem. To say the least she was a bit confused and was wondering why we were putting make up on our feet. We were able to get in a few …

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A Few Days at Home

restocking the wine

It was time to take care of some “land life” duties so we spend a few days at our house in Amherst. Those duties included laundry (lots of laundry), paying bills, reading the large pile of mail, seeing the kids (both human and canine), and of the utmost importance – restocking the wine supply for the boat. Carl very carefully wrapped each bottle individually in bubble wrap. Now all we have to do is get the 4 large canvas bags and 1 box (containing over 30 bottles of that wonderful beverage) onto the boat safely. After a few days of …

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