Weekend with our daughter


We had a wonderful weekend with our daughter, Evening, on-board. After she finally managed to get through the horrific traffic jam on the Mass Pike (what should have been a 2.5 hour drive took her 6 hours), she was finally able to put her feet in the ocean for the first time time in over 6 years.  We had a relaxing early Friday dinner at J22 in Jamestown and then walked to Island Scoop for a tasty dish of black raspberry ice cream. I remember introducing Evening to black raspberry ice cream when she was still a babe in my arms. It seems she does take after me in some ways.

We spent the rest of the weekend swimming off the boat (in some very warm water), walking around Jamestown and Newport, a quick visit to Beavertail Lighthouse and her and Carl even taught me to play cribbage. In Newport we discovered a fantastic spice and tea shop – I can tell I will be going back there often. Dinner was at the Red Parrot where I got to enjoy a succulent and rather large lobster. I dared Carl or Evening to even try to take a bite – no one dared. When I have my lobster I share with no one. I even bring my own lobster pick.

I would not trade the time with her visiting for anything. Even though we did not get to go sailing we did have an adventurous night on Saturday with a pretty major storm front passing through at about 2am. This was an almost roll out of bed wind/rain storm. But by Sunday morning the front had passed and it was a beautiful sunrise. Well at least Evening said it was a beautiful sunrise – Carl and I were still sleeping.

Spending the summer living on the boat is a wonderful time for us and having family visit makes it that much more special.

The dinghy even managed to stay inflated all weekend!!

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